It’s the time when we talk about which Latin American, and Spanish in Berlinale are being featured. From 22/02 to 1/3, films from all over the world are taking over in Berlin. And it’s quite interesting that this year, Berlinale will have a great selection of Ibero American productions that you can enjoy.
Almost 70 years have gone by since right after the end of the war, in 1951 the first Berlinale kicked off. Many things have passed: the rise of the wall and subsequent fall, the unification of Germany and Berlin becoming a united city once again after years of one half being left in shadows. Just last year, the 30th anniversary of the Mauerfall was celebrated in a week of joy, remembrance, and art all over town.
Also, since the 50’s, Latin American history radically changed forever with the rise of fascism and dictatorships all over the continent, to the restoration of democracy in some countries. Latin American literature boom, Latin Rock, and Latin American movies making it to the Oscars, and so much more. The history of such a complex society of almost half-billion population has a unique look and craft for arts. So, without further ado, check the low down of Latin American Films in Berlinale 70.
Argentina | Chile | Brasil | Colombia | México | España | Uruguay | Cuba | Perú
El prófugo (The Intruder) D: Natalia Meta, Argentina, México, 90′
Isabella (Isabella)(Isabella) D: Matías Piñeiro, Argentina, 80′
Playback. Ensayo de una despedida (Playback) D: Agustina Comedi, Argentina, 14′
Las Mil y Una (One in a Thousand) D: Clarisa Navas, Argentina, Alemania, 120′
Un crimen común (A Common Crime) D: Francisco Márquez, Argentina, Brasil, Suiza, 96′
Medium D: Edgardo Cozarinsky, Argentina, 70′
Responsabilidad empresarial (Corporate Accountability) D: Jonathan Perel, Argentina, 68′
El nombre del hijo (The Name of the Son) D: Martina Matzkin, Argentina, 14′
Mamá, mamá, mamá (Mum, Mum, Mum) D: Sol Berruezo Pichon-Riviére, Argentina, 65′
Todos os Mortos (All the Dead Ones) D: Caetano Gotardo, Marco Dutra, Brasil, Francia, 120′
A Metamorfose dos pássaros (The Metamorphosis of Birds) D: Catarina Vasconcelos, Portugal,
Cidade Pássaro (Shine Your Eyes) D: Matias Mariani, Brasil, Francia, 102′
Vento Seco (Dry Wind) D: Daniel Nolasco, Brasil, 110′
O Reflexo do Lago (Amazon Mirror) D: Fernando Segtowick, Brasil, 79′
Luz nos trópicos (Light in the Tropics) D: Paula Gaitán, Brasil, 255′
Vil, má (Divinely Evil) D: Gustavo Vinagre, Brasil, 86′
Apiyemiyekî? (Apiyemiyekî?) D: Ana Vaz, Brasil, Francia, Países Bajos, Portugal, 28′
Jogos Dirigidos (Directed Games) D: Jonathas de Andrade, Brasil, 26′
(Outros) Fundamentos ((Other) Foundations) D: Aline Motta, Brasil, 16′
Vaga Carne (Dazed Flesh) D: Grace Passô, Ricardo Alves Jr., Brasil, 45′
Rã (Frogs) D: Ana Flavia Cavalcanti, Julia Zakia, Brasil, 16′
Alice Júnior (Alice Junior) D: Gil Baroni, Brasil, 87′
Irmã (Sisters in the End of the World) D: Luciana Mazeto, Vinícius Lopes, Brasil, 88′
Meu nome é Bagdá (My Name is Baghdad) D: Caru Alves de Souz, Brasil, 99′
Los Conductos (Los Conductos) D: Camilo Restrepo, Francia, Colombia, Brasil, 70′
Jíibie (Jíibie) D: Laura Huertas Millán, Colombia, Francia, 24′
Siberia (Siberia) D: Abel Ferrara, Italia, Alemania, México, 92′
Los lobos (Los lobos) D: Samuel Kishi Leopo, México, 95′
Anunciaron tormenta (A Storm Was Coming) D: Javier Fernández Vázquez, España, 87′
Lúa vermella(Red Moon Tide) D: Lois Patiño, España, 84′
Las niñas (Schoolgirls) D: Pilar Palomero, España, 97′
Panteres (Panthers) D: Èrika Sánchez, España, 22′
El cuarto poder Helena Lumbreras, Mariano Lisa, España, 45′
Entre perro y lobo D: Irene Gutiérrez, Cuba, España, 75′