“Al igual que cualquier otra forma de arte, el cine es importante sólo si se usa para hablar de esas cosas que la gente no quiere oír hablar, de lo contrario, es sólo una herramienta de la vanidad.” - JOÃO COSTA MENEZES
En Lado|B|erlin creemos fuertemente en el valor del arte y la cultura en general. Somos la única revista de arte y cultura en español e inglés en Berlín que informa a todo el mundo con un enfoque particular en toda la producción cultural y artística latinoamericana e hispana en la capital alemana. En nuestro portal vas a poder acceder a todas las noticias relevantes como producciones audiovisuales, notas gráficas, imágenes, programas de radio, audios y mucho más.
Visitanos en nuestro portal https://ladoberlin.com/y seguinos en nuestras redes sociales: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter y YouTube.
Pone primera el primer ciclo de cortometrajes sudamericanos en Berlín: Cardo South American Short Film Program. A las 20hs del...
Read moreDetailsThe International Football Film Festival of Berlin starts on Spring day, March 21st, with its 16th edition. Opening on Thursday...
Read moreDetailsFrom the 14th to the 17th of March, our city of Berlin will be hosting the 5th edition of the...
Read moreDetailsThe Berlin Feminist Film Week is still running until Wednesday 13th with a program that presents a wide range of...
Read moreDetailsThe Berlin Feminist Film Week is starting this Thursday 7th of March with its Premier film The Miseducation of Cameron...
Read moreDetailsComing straight from Argentina, the two Latin American directors, Carmen Rivoira and Delfina Gavaldá, have arrived at Berlinale after winning...
Read moreDetailsThe kick-off for the 68th Berlinale Film Festival just happened yesterday, February 15th. And with it, hundreds of relevant films...
Read moreDetailsThe Distinguished Citizen, an underhanded essay that breaks reality and demonstrates that the deep gap dividing Argentinian people was never...
Read moreDetailsFieber Festival is dedicated solely to Latin American, Portuguese and Spanish women artists with residence in Berlin happening this week,...
Read moreDetailsWeb series Che Peruano by Argentinian director, Ernesto Rowe, will be featuring along with the wild wide selection from the Web Fest...
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